Our complete approach ensures that our website design, implementation, hosting and ongoing support reinforce the goals of the client in order to accomplish optimal outcomes.

CGA Web Design takes you from early conception of the site to clearly define the goals as well as the aesthetics of your online presence. In order to accomplish the outcomes of the online presence, early definition of budgets, tasks, and time lines are critical. To define the project may take a few hours, or may take weeks depending on the scope and complexity of the project. Once this early planning is completed we use our online tools in order to collaborate fully with our hosting services, development partners and our clients.

We utilize online project management tools which are accessible 24/7 in order to track progress, and to submit content and additional information for inclusion or consideration. The client will have access to the tools while the project is under development.

Deployment includes the selection of hosting services, these may be our own hosting service when this is preferred, or can be any other compatible hosting service. We will analyse and consult on the options and will advise you if there are preferred options other than CGA's hosting. There are many factors that need to be considered, including the capabilities and even the physical location of the servers.

In order to accomplish optimal outcomes, CGA Web Design can provide ongoing services beyond simply hosting the data. In order to gain maximum exposure our services include simple Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and reporting. Search engines respond to well designed and easy to navigate sites, during the planning and development of your site CGA Web Design includes those features that Google, Yahoo, Bing and other bots look for in order to present your links to those people that will be most likely interested in the products, services or information you have to offer.

CGA Web Design consultants do not sit still and wait for search engines to find you, we actively submit and analyse traffic to the site and to your closest competitors in order to maximize the return on your online investment.